Burn the Candles, Use the China

Burn the Candles, Use the China means… Open those boxes… look at what you have, and use what you have. It’s about honoring the old memories and making new ones.
And for me, this all really took hold after we moved into our new home. We needed to move during construction and so we boxed up all of our things-- and for the year and a half when we were living elsewhere, it really felt quite lonely without our things.
Then when we got into our new house, and I unpacked all the boxes, and started pulling things out, I had that feeling almost of a reunion…with things I love and I had missed.
I realized how happy these special things made me, and that I wanted to live with them and see them…every day.
- Those pewter candlesticks I saw when my husband and I were in Germany that I fell in love with -- and he had it sent to me for our anniversary, or…
- The little Portmeirion botanical teacup that someone gave me after I told them about a dream I had about it, or…
- All those little things from my kids…the little decorated clothespins that hold their kindergarten pictures, or those little pots they painted.
So this is it…this is what Burn the Candles, Use the China means. And I want to tell everyone…”DON’T WAIT!” Use what you love --maybe even rotate things through each year, or each season—but use all the things that make you happy.