Welcome back wallpaper. I have been by your side for years. I have educated my clients on wanting wallpaper and the difference it can make in a room. Many clients have PTSD of when they were first married, first home, and removing wallpaper from each room of their home. It takes a bit of a nudge to get everyone on board.
Today’s paste [not made in the back and mixed with flour and glue] is easily strippable and removable. Any professional installer that RKID uses, knows what they are doing and works with the best of the best. There are no “re-do’s” here…..the product is too expensive.
It is such a joy working with our installers. There is never a doubt that things will turn out right. Never that sunken pit in the stomach. They work with their crew with dignity and pride. Taking flawed wallpaper with stride, adjusting their schedule, fitting us in, matching paint for the registers, etc. It is just a complete joy. Clients swoon upon them and don’t even know that they have been there. Many times, there is a relationship that forms and the clients request only these specific painters or WP installers. I know when I wallpaper my home, they are my go-to for many reasons.
All in all, the installer makes it. These delicate papers are the best and will exceed what your expectations are. It matters, and you will see.
Here are the types of wallpaper:

- Traditional wallpaper
- This is your typical use of wallpaper in a special area or space you would like to highlight. I love to go bold in the pantry or powder room.

- Vinyl wallpaper
- A creative way to use vinyl is to print photos on it from Murals Your Way as we did in this hallway. If you have high resolution photos this is easy to do. We had our trim carpenter apply picture moulding around the edges. It was a super way to capture the family in a unique way.

- Texture – Woven papers or grasscloths, such as Thibaut or Phillip Jeffries. This photo’s ceiling is grasscloth and textured.

Bonus: Frame panels of wallpaper. Many manf. sell panels of wall covering, such as Degournay, Schumacher, and Gracie. This one happens to be Schumacher and it is literally artwork. We framed it at a local gallery and placed it just so. It’s perfect for this space.

Renae Keller is an award-winning, ASID certified interior designer in Minneapolis-St. Paul, specializing in new construction and large remodels. Trusted by homebuilders, architects and homebuyers alike, Renae is known for creating an overall design vision that blends functionality and aesthetics, while keeping the details intertwined, and her customer's style in clear focus.