A is for air
[air] noun
- a well designed house must be allowed to breath. Drawing fresh air in wherever possible. As important as the design of the windows themselves.
B is for bead trim
[beed] [trim] noun
- a globular accent that borders around mirror and frames creating an element of elegance and intricacy.
C is for corbel
[kawr-buh l] noun
- an architectural detail that is not only supportive functionally but aesthetically.
D is for drum shade
[druhm] [sheyd] noun
- straight sided lampshade with a classic profile that adds “updated” instantly to a treasured lamp base or hanging pendant.
E is for étagère
[ey-tah-zhairz, ey-tuh-; French ey-ta–zher] noun
- a stand with a series of open shelves for collected objects and family heirlooms that you treasure.
F is for finial
[fin-ee-uh l, fahy-nee-] noun
- an ornamental terminal feature on a piece of furniture or gable that adds a finishing touch.
G is for glazing
[gley-zing] verb
- The act of applying a thin transparent or semi-transparent layer that enhances the under layer of paint. It can create an authentic looking patina on outdated cabinets and built ins.
- An alternative to replacing tired cabinetry
H is for herringbone
[her-ing-bohn] noun
- a pattern consisting of vertical rows of slanting lines forming either a V or an inverted V, used in masonry and textiles used by your favorite interior designer.
I is for invoice
[in-vois] noun
- an itemized bill for goods or services provided, repersenting individual prices, the total charge, and the terms.
- how interior designers like myself will bill you monthly.
J is for Jim Thompson
[jim] [tomp-suh n, tom-] noun
- some of the best linen fabrics on the market.
- Studio Line B
K is for Kravet
[krah][vet] noun
- a designer’s go to line for wools, cotton, jacquard and everything else you can think of.
L is for leaded glass
- a stunning way of joining together glass with thin lines of lead. Very common in turn of the 20th century homes and started in Mesopotamia in 1400 B.C.
M is for mirror
[mir-er] noun
- a reflecting surface to see how great you look in the morning.
- a way to create space in smaller rooms and depth in bigger rooms.
N is for nailhead trim
[neyl-hed][trim] noun
- an ornamental trim that mimics that of a flattened nailhead and adorns our favorite reupholstered chairs.
O is for ornamental
[awr-nuh–men-tl] adjective
- ‘the thing’ your husband thinks is frivolous-but hey its all in the details!
P is for patina
[pat-n-uh, puh–tee-nuh] noun or adjective
- that thing that happens to your favorite metal pieces.
- that look that you search every flea market for in the summer.
Q is quad framing
[kwod][prin-ting] noun
- a group of four framed pieces of art that creates balance and a lot of visual interest in a room
- a term used in the RKID showroom on a weekly basis
R is Raoul
[raw-ool] noun
- Unique hand blocked print library that is available on natural fabrics
S is for Scale
[skeyl] adjective or noun
- playing with the size of patterns and objects
- a ruler used by architects and designers that represents a proportion of a fixed measurement
T is for topiary
[toh-pee-er-ee] noun
- ornamental gardening that creates elegant silhouettes.
U is for understated
[uhn-der-stey-tid] adjective
- restrained in style and leaves your home looking timeless and classic
V is for Venetian blinds
[vuh–nee-shuh n] noun
- a basic slated blind that can take your window treatments from builder grade to designer with the right kind of wood.
W is for white
[hwahyt, wahyt] adjective
- a hue of no color
- our favorite color of Benjamin Moore paint when choosen carefully and consistently and used throughout the home.
X is for ‘X’
[eks] noun
- a shape motif on railing balustrades and the back of chairs that make a Farmhouse feel iconic.
Y is for yellow
[yel-oh] adjective
- a color that when used appropriately can add warmth and a bit of energy to space in unexpected ways.
Z is for zinc
- what creates that matte luster finish on galvanized metal.
Renae Keller is an award-winning, ASID certified interior designer in Minneapolis-St. Paul, specializing in new construction and large remodels. Trusted by homebuilders, architects and homebuyers alike, Renae is known for creating an overall design vision that blends functionality and aesthetics, while keeping the details intertwined, and her customer's style in clear focus.