Oh goodness, it’s been quite a summer already, and it’s only barely August. While I normally like to keep these posts about design, I just can’t help but to write about a few of my summer high- (and low-!) lights. None of it is exactly newsworthy, but it’s all certainly blog-worthy.
Keller Issue #1
For starters, my darling William broke his little 3-year-old arm. Maybe not a big deal for those of you whose children make routine stops in the ER, but for us Kellers, it was a bit of a traumatic situation. I mean, just check out the X-ray.
Here’s the story that Will’s stickin’ to: Charlotte was pulling him in a wagon, on the grass, when suddenly it tipped over and Will fell out. How that’s cause for such a crazy bone break, I’ll never know. Anyway, when I looked over at him to see why he was crying, I noticed what appeared to be a second elbow. I said a quick prayer hoping I had lost my mind rather than what I was seeing was true, but sadly I had not lost my mind. Will had in fact cracked himself a second elbow. Yuck.
In the next four hours, Will was put under, reset, casted, awoken, and made happy as a clam with all his new Sponge Bob stickers. If only all our problems went away with a few good stickers. What a trooper he’s been, though…and thankfully, he hasn’t realized his straight cast could be used as a “light blue lightsaber”. GREAT news for the rest of the family!
Keller Issue #2
Not quite as traumatic, but our second medical issue of the summer was Andrew’s tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (fancy language for “he got his tonsils and adenoids removed”), which happened just last week. Poor little guy is still taking it easy…I have been told it is a 2 week recovery, and we have 1 week under our belt. I am sure that the ice cream and popsicles will help him out, and oh, yeah, the TV and Wii…..an 8 year old’s dream!
Keller Fun!
And now for the good stuff! We’ve had several wonderful mini-vacations this summer, including a trip to Houston, Minn., in my parents’ camper and another camping trip with B. J.’s family in Hayward, Wisc. Fun get-aways, despite the raging heat and humidity! We have another camping trip to Lake City coming up (who am I?!?! I’m an Embassy Suites kind of girl, but suddenly I have three camping trips under my belt in one summer!) with our dear friends. And at the end of August, the kids and I are heading to Nisswa, Minn., with my friend Katherine and her four kids for a few days. Yep, eight kids and two moms…we’re like “Renae & Kate Plus 8.”
The 3-Day Walk
Oh, and in between all these camping trips is The 3-Day Walk Aug. 19 – 21! My team and I have been getting up early Saturday mornings for our long training walks in preparation for our big 60-mile walk in less than three weeks. Our golf tournament and silent auction last night were a huge success, but we still need more! This is the last time I’ll bug you (well, except for one little reminder on the 15th…!), but please, please, PLEASE consider donating to my Walk. Knowing you’re all supporting me will be a huge factor in making it all 60 miles, blisters and all. Visit www.the3day.org and click on “Donate to a Participant.” Type in my name (Renae with an “a”) and enter whatever amount you want…even $5 helps! And thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Love to all!

Renae Keller is an award-winning, ASID certified interior designer in Minneapolis-St. Paul, specializing in new construction and large remodels. Trusted by homebuilders, architects and homebuyers alike, Renae is known for creating an overall design vision that blends functionality and aesthetics, while keeping the details intertwined, and her customer's style in clear focus.