If you follow me on social media (and you should!), you already know I was on WCCO last week sharing tips for holiday decorating and host/hostess gift-giving. I shared photos on social media but wanted to also share with you what the experience was like. Being a TV newbie, it was all incredibly fascinating.

I woke up that morning excited to get the day rolling, both literally and figuratively. My general M.O. is to panic for several days prior but then be filled with calm the day of a big event, and this was no different. I began by meeting with my PR gal Madeline Johnson at Tapis Decor to review what I was going to say and do. Next came introductions to both Bob the camera man and Natalie, the woman who interviewed me. We had a brief chat about what they wanted to get on camera and what they were hoping to achieve with this segment, then the camera began rolling. It all happened so fast–clearly this was not their first rodeo! Natalie was wonderful in helping me explain what I had created for the camera, and she kept asking questions to continue the conversation seamlessly. I’m so pleased with the end result, I wouldn’t change a thing (except for all the awkward “umm”s!).

Watch the segments here:

Holiday Decorating

Host/Hostess Gift-Giving

Gettin' miked.

Gettin’ miked.

Why do I look like I'm about to tip over here? Am I shaking water out of my ear?

Why do I look like I’m about to tip over here? Am I shaking water out of my ear?



Can we talk about how great Natalie's dress-and-boots combo is in this picture?

Can we talk about how great Natalie’s dress-and-boots combo is in this picture?

Adding wintery touches to things you already have make decorating painless and pretty.

Adding wintery touches to things you already have make decorating painless and pretty.

Pretty winter pillows and throw.

Pretty winter pillows and throw.

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Renae Keller is an award-winning, ASID certified interior designer in Minneapolis-St. Paul, specializing in new construction and large remodels. Trusted by homebuilders, architects and homebuyers alike, Renae is known for creating an overall design vision that blends functionality and aesthetics, while keeping the details intertwined, and her customer's style in clear focus.
